Renaissance Spider

Russian Federation


Since at least mid-2019, Russia-based eCrime adversary RENAISSANCE SPIDER has conducted eCrime and targeted intrusion campaigns, primarily in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. The adversary has also conducted influence operations (IO) under the inauthentic hacktivist persona DaVinci Group and the Fire Cells Group. RENAISSANCE SPIDER sends high-volume malspam that typically contains either phishing links...

Community Identifiers



  • f6qBC0WJG1m5XRT
  • sGq7xnWa5f1lMHJUD60Avdi


  • AT28RznjkQy5GiE
  • XsecNAjD
  • crF7Wv8Jby

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IOCs for this adversary


During a cybersecurity incident, indicators of compromise (IoC) are clues and evidence of a data breach.