Join CrowdStrike at Black Hat 2019

Photo Of CrowdStrike Booth

CrowdStrike® is thrilled to be attending Black Hat 2019 in Las Vegas. This is the 22nd year of this iconic event, which is being held August 3-8. Black Hat draws security experts from all over the world for a week of keynotes, sessions, training workshops and exciting networking activities. CrowdStrike executives and top security specialists will be on hand to showcase the CrowdStrike Falcon® platform with demonstrations and informative sessions — and also taking advantage of the opportunity to network with our customers, partners and other industry leaders among the more than 22,000 attendees expected this year. We invite you to stop by booth #904 and talk to one of our security experts. Learn about the exciting activities we have planned or watch a demo and get a coveted CrowdStrike Adversary T-shirt!

Sharing New CrowdStrike Products and Services

CrowdStrike made huge strides in the industry this year, as we continue to expand the Falcon platform and offer new services. In addition to exciting new product announcements at Black Hat, we will also be demonstrating recently introduced capabilities such as Falcon for MobileTM, the first endpoint detection and response (EDR) solution for mobile devices. We will also be briefing you on the CrowdStrike Store, where customers can discover, try, buy and deploy trusted partner applications and add-ons that work seamlessly with the Falcon platform. The CrowdStrike Store enables security technology providers to bring innovation and new capabilities to market faster, without the headaches of having to build, maintain and support endpoint agents and cloud platforms.

CrowdStrike Sessions at Black Hat

CrowdStrike has some exciting sessions lined up, so register early because they will fill up fast. Sessions include the following:

Mobile Threat Landscape

In recent years, mobile devices have become a key part of their owner’s daily lives, supporting both business and personal activities including email access, banking, and authentication. The adoption of these devices is particularly high in developing markets, where they often provide a more convenient and cost-effective route to obtaining this functionality than traditional desktop computing. Join CrowdStrike VP of Intelligence Adam Meyers as he explores the threats to mobile devices from various threat actors, analyzes the technologies that can thwart these attacks, and provides best practices to ensure mobile device users are protected.

Date: Wednesday, Aug. 7
Time: 1:50-2:40 PM
Location: Mandalay Bay Ballroom I
Register for this workshop.

Tales From the Trenches: Case Studies Responding and Remediating Modern Threats

The CrowdStrike Falcon CompleteTM team responds to thousands of attacks every day – from commodity click-fraud nuisances to the activities of targeted, nation-state sponsored actors. Join CrowdStrike VP of Managed Services Austin Murphy and Thomas Arnold, manager of the Falcon Complete team, as they offer an overview of the Falcon Complete turnkey endpoint protection solution’s capabilities, and share a few examples of modern attack scenarios the team handles on a regular basis. Get a detailed technical walk-through of how your organization can triage, remotely remediate, and recover from these attacks at scale.

Date: Wednesday, Aug. 7
Time: 3:00-3:50 PM
Location: Mandalay Bay Ballroom I
Register for this workshop.

The Spider Economy: Emotet, Dridex and Trickbot — Oh My!

While nation-state adversaries get the headlines, eCrime actors have built a profitable industry of distributing Trojans, ransomware and other malware. Join CrowdStrike Engineering Director Andrew Munchbach and Engineering Manager Adam Hogan as they discuss how these threat actors operate — not only focusing on their ability to develop new and sophisticated toolsets, but how they are growing their businesses through sophistication and specialization.

Date: Thursday, Aug. 8
Time: 11:00-11:50 AM
Location: Business Hall Theatre A
Register for this workshop.

Other CrowdStrike Activities at Black Hat

Book Signing

Meet CrowdStrike Co-Founder and CEO George Kurtz and get an autographed copy of his best seller, “Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets and Solutions,” now in its seventh edition. These books go fast and they are on a first come, first served basis, so be sure to stop by early.

Date:  Wednesday, Aug. 7
Time:  1:00-2:00 PM
Location:  CrowdStrike Booth #904

Exotic Car Racing

CrowdStrike will be offering an invitation-only, Executive Exotics Racing event during Black Hat, where participants will get a chance to drive a supercar and GT Race Car at the Exotics Racing Las Vegas track. This exhilarating day on the track will be followed by a dinner reception and an opportunity to network with your peers. This event is by invitation only. Please contact your sales representative for details.

Date:   Tuesday, Aug. 6
Time:    5:00-10:30 PM
Location:  Exotics Racing, Las Vegas

Meet With a CrowdStrike Expert

Contact your sales representative to schedule a face-to-face meeting with a CrowdStrike security expert. You will have the opportunity to engage in an in-depth discussion of how CrowdStrike can help you increase your organization’s security posture immediately. Visit this webpage to submit your request.

Visit the CrowdStrike Booth

Stop by Booth #904 to watch a product demo, get a fantastic adversary T-shirt and learn more about the sessions and activities we have planned.  We look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas!

Additional Resources

CrowdStrike Falcon Free Trial

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