Introduction to tabletop exercises

It’s not uncommon for modern tech enterprises to implement a vast arsenal of cybersecurity tools to defend against the inevitable onslaught of cyber threats. Though security measures are important and necessary, many organizations still find themselves surprisingly unprepared when an actual security incident occurs, realizing too late that their untested security strategies were less than effective.

To prevent this unfortunate scenario, many organizations are turning to tabletop exercises — simple, effective drills that prep teams for cyber crises by simulating attacks. These exercises have become a critical component in an enterprise’s security toolbox. By simulating cyberattack scenarios in a controlled environment, teams can test their response plans without the pressure of a real-life breach. As a result, teams gain invaluable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of their existing strategies.

In this article, we’ll dive into the world of tabletop exercises, discussing what they are and their benefits. We’ll also explore how partnering with CrowdStrike Services to craft and facilitate tabletop exercises can equip your team to face tomorrow’s threats.


2024 Global Threat Report

The 2024 Global Threat Report unveils an alarming rise in covert activity and a cyber threat landscape dominated by stealth. Data theft, cloud breaches, and malware-free attacks are on the rise. Read about how adversaries continue to adapt despite advancements in detection technology.

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What is a tabletop exercise?

A tabletop exercise is a form of cyber defense training in which teams walk through simulated cyberattack scenarios in a structured, discussion-based setting. These exercises are designed to test and refine an organization's incident response plan in a no-risk environment. The focus is on understanding the roles, decisions, and actions that would be taken in response to a hypothetical but realistic cyber threat.

By using tabletop exercises, teams can identify strengths and areas for improvement in their strategies and procedures, ensuring they are better prepared for actual cyber incidents. Where are the gaps? Which procedures seem appropriate in theory but useless in practice? What issues remain unaddressed after everything is said and done? These are the questions and answers brought out by tabletop exercises.

Ultimately, a tabletop exercise is a test of collaborative problem-solving, and it unearths insights into the effectiveness of a team’s communication and coordination — both critical attributes for managing and mitigating real-world security incidents.

Among the many strengths of tabletop exercises is their adaptability. They can be tailored to fit the specific needs and threat landscapes of any organization. Instead of applying cookie-cutter security scenarios, a tabletop exercise can mirror the real-world challenges that the organization is most likely to face based on its industry, size, and geographical location. These exercises can be further customized in their objectives, scope, and complexity. This tailored approach brings a focused and relevant training experience, delivering actionable insights and practical lessons for everyone involved.

What goes into a tabletop exercise?

Planning and designing a tabletop exercise involves several key steps to ensure its success: 

  • Craft realistic and relevant scenarios: Effective scenarios are those that mirror potential real-life threats that your organization might face.

  • Engage the right participants: Involve individuals from across your organization, not just the IT and cybersecurity teams. This includes leadership, legal, HR, communications, and any other departments that would be involved in responding to a cyber incident.

  • Set clear objectives and outcomes: What does your organization hope to achieve? This might include identifying gaps in current response plans, improving cross-departmental communication, or simply raising awareness about cybersecurity within your company.

The key components of a tabletop exercise are:

  • Scenario creation: A well-thought-out scenario is the foundation.

  • Facilitation: A skilled facilitator guides the discussion, ensuring it remains productive and that learning objectives are met.

  • Discussion: This is where the real value of the exercise comes to life, as participants debate the actions, decisions, and coordination required to manage the incident.

Finally, post-exercise debriefing and report generation help capture the lessons learned during the exercise. This involves a thorough analysis of the exercise's execution — what went well, what didn't, and why. The final report provides actionable insights and recommendations for improving the organization's cybersecurity posture and response capabilities.

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Read this blog and learn how CrowdStrike Services offers incident response executive preparation checklist.

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The benefits of tabletop exercises

Simulated cyberattack scenarios provide teams with a valuable opportunity. This is their chance to test their response plans, identify weaknesses, and improve coordination. The opportunity to participate in a tabletop exercise brings several key benefits:

  • Gain response experience: Practicing in a no-risk environment enables teams to understand the dynamics of a cyber incident. This experience is invaluable, as it reduces the time it takes to respond when an actual threat occurs. Teams are not only prepared but efficient in their response.

  • Identify capability gaps: Simulations uncover weaknesses in current cybersecurity measures. They reveal the hard truths about your preparedness — and unpreparedness. This could range from technical vulnerabilities to gaps in communication protocols. Fortunately, these weaknesses offer a clear direction for improvement in a risk-free scenario.

  • Increase response plan familiarity: Repetition leads to mastery. By regularly engaging in tabletop exercises, teams become more familiar with their roles and responsibilities. This translates to a smoother, more coordinated response during an actual cyberattack.

  • Real-world scenario training: Tabletop exercises draw from the latest threat intelligence, providing scenarios that mirror the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of actual adversaries. This exposure helps teams anticipate and prepare for the kinds of attacks they are most likely to face.

Prepare and train with CrowdStrike Services

A tabletop exercise is a security incident rehearsal for your team, allowing you to practice tackling cyber threats. It's crucial because it helps find and fix weaknesses, ensuring your organization remains strong against real attacks. This kind of preparation is key in today’s world, where cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving.

Tabletop exercises are incredibly effective tools, but designing and facilitating them can be complex and challenging. Because of this, many organizations turn to external cybersecurity professionals for a more effective and cost-efficient approach. This is where CrowdStrike Services excels, elevating the effectiveness of tabletop exercises by tailoring them to your organization's unique needs. With a focus on real-world scenarios and expert facilitation, they ensure a comprehensive learning experience. Their approach not only prepares your team for actual cyber threats but taps into CrowdStrike's deep expertise in incident response.

Request more information about CrowdStrike Services by contacting CrowdStrike today.

Tabletop Exercise Data Sheet

Download this data sheet to see how the CrowdStrike Services team presents an incident scenario in an on-site, one-day tabletop exercise with up to 25 members of your staff. 

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