CrowdStrike Strategic Advisory Services

CrowdStrike helps companies enhance their security posture before they’ve been breached. Choose from many strategic services where CrowdStrike will assess, test and advise your organization on security program improvements.

CrowdStrike service offerings

CrowdStrike helps organizations mature their security programs by offering a range of strategic advisory services,
covering three aspects of proactive cybersecurity:


Cybersecurity Maturity Assessment:
an evaluation of your organization’s maturity level in relation to its ability to prevent, detect and respond to today’s most advanced adversaries.

Security Operations Center (SOC) Assessment:
a narrowly focused assessment of your SOC’s ability to prevent, detect and respond to breaches.

Security program in depth:
a comprehensive assessment of your capabilities that includes detailed workshops you can share with employees.

Tabletop Exercise:
simulates a targeted attack where your organization’s executive or technical participants are guided through a targeted attack scenario.

Cybersecurity enhancement program:
assists organizations that have been breached by developing and implementing an improvement program designed to close cybersecurity gaps.

How the work is done

To perform this work, CrowdStrike uniquely combines:

IR experience

CrowdStrike’s Advisory Services are performed using a combination of strategic program resources and guidance from experienced incident responders. This combination ensures that customers can assess their current capabilities against real-world attacks while also developing strategic and thoughtful roadmaps for improvement.

Cyber focus

CrowdStrike assessments offer much more than regulatory compliance audits, because they focus on the adversaries and attack techniques most relevant to the threats you face. Although compliance plays a role in a security program, the Services team takes its analysis further to ensure you stay ahead of the adversary.

Threat intel

The CrowdStrike Advisory Services team leverages CrowdStrike Intelligence to ensure its offerings are practical and incorporate the latest intel on the threats facing your organization and industry. Intelligence feeds everything CrowdStrike does, giving you a unique engagement based on methodology tailored to your needs.

The value CrowdStrike Services delivers

CrowdStrike provides outstanding strategic advisory services that ensure results:

  • Thoroughness
    CrowdStrike Advisory Services were developed to help you mature your security program. Each of these offerings moves you further down the maturity path, while providing a view into what comes next in that progression. The recommendations resulting from these services are robust, thorough and aligned with your security requirements and budget.
  • Customer-centric
    The CrowdStrike Services team puts your needs first. The team focuses on what your organization requires to reach cybersecurity maturity and provides recommendations for the progressive steps you can take to reach your optimum security level.
  • True partnership
    CrowdStrike Services focuses on your organization’s requirements and budget to ensure your satisfaction. The Services team’s goal is to become your strategic partner for cybersecurity and incident response.

Experienced a breach?

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