Address the Cybersecurity Skills Shortage by Building Your Security Stack with the CrowdStrike Store

The increase in attack sophistication coupled with the decline of skilled security staff continues to put pressure on organizations and their teams by minimizing their ability to effectively see and control risks within the enterprise. This is only made more difficult as teams find themselves patching together disparate solutions, resulting in labyrinthian security stacks and a heavily siloed environment. To move beyond these challenges, organizations seek to employ innovative technology, processes and people that boost unification across their technology and teams, reducing visibility gaps and enabling a more effective security strategy. 

By implementing effective, interoperable IT and security solutions, organizations can benefit from shared data and layered security capabilities, without additional operation friction, for enhanced clarity and control around potential threats throughout their environment. The CrowdStrike Store is a one-stop-shop IT and cybersecurity software-as-a-service (SaaS) marketplace that allows you to easily discover and implement best-of-breed and interoperable solutions that address your unique use cases, unify your stack and simplify deployment. 

The CrowdStrike Store has recently added new partner applications and integrations, and a free partner plugin, to help seamlessly secure your device management, assets, identities and Internet of Things (IoT) environment. With the release of the JumpCloud application available for free trial and new technology integrations with Asimily, Beyond Identity and SafeBreach, you can ensure more holistic visibility for your team, faster time-to-value and a higher return on investment. 

The CrowdStrike Store team will cover these new integrations and guide you in selecting the right IT and security tools for truly empowering and securing your organization in our upcoming CrowdCast, Unifying Your Security Solutions: The Ultimate Guide to Selecting the Right Tools with the CrowdStrike Store. Join the session to learn about the essentials of building a modern IT and security stack with unified tools that accelerate your security team’s efficiency and efficacy.

Have OS Patching and Full Disk Encryption at Your Fingertips with JumpCloud

The increase of heavily distributed environments has made it difficult for organizations to secure their widespread remote workers and ensure they are operating on trusted, encrypted and up-to-date devices. With this complicated dispersed environment, teams lack visibility, making it hard for them to understand the status of device security and ensure coverage across multiple operating systems. To add to this, without holistic visibility and control of devices, meeting audit and compliance standards will likely become impossible.

JumpCloud, a CrowdStrike Falcon® Fund partner, recently released a new application in the CrowdStrike Store that enables teams by providing OS patching and full disk encryption at their fingertips. With CrowdStrike and JumpCloud, users can easily leverage rich endpoint data and capabilities to control and secure dispersed devices. By centralizing device management through the JumpCloud Directory Platform, your team can easily implement enhanced security without friction. 

JumpCloud integrates with CrowdStrike Falcon® Real Time Response (RTR) commands to help you automate OS patching from a single interface to keep every device up to date with customizable user notifications and device specific groups. JumpCloud also leverages CrowdStrike’s enriched endpoint telemetry to help provide additional environmental context, enabling secure devices with full disk encryption across your entire fleet. By easily tracking which devices were updated or encrypted, and any permission changes with out-of-the-box logging and reporting, you can ensure your organization is compliant. 

The JumpCloud agent can be simply deployed to Windows devices through the CrowdStrike Falcon® console, drastically cutting implementation time and helping you realize value faster.

Elevate Your Security with New Technology Integrations 

CrowdStrike has also expanded its ecosystem with new technology integrations built by Asimily, Beyond Identity and SafeBreach that leverage the Falcon platform to help unify your tools, get a higher return on your investments and enable a holistic security strategy. 

Asimily, a risk management platform for IoT devices and web-connected equipment, integrates by ingesting and querying CrowdStrike’s rich threat intelligence data to then correlate with its anomaly alerts and threat insights, providing you with layered visibility and additional threat context surrounding indicators of compromise (IOCs) across your environment. 

Beyond Identity integrates with the Falcon platform and leverages CrowdStrike’s Zero Trust Assessment (ZTA) score to help your team continuously monitor and enforce risk-based access policies using granular user and device signals. By checking the presence and state of the Falcon sensor and a device’s ZTA score, you can easily block access or quarantine a device during an authentication session for enhanced Zero Trust

Finally, SafeBreach’s breach and attack simulation solution integrates with the Falcon platform and CrowdStrike Falcon® Intelligence to provide automatically correlated simulated attacks and layered visibility into the performance of security controls to help harden your organizational posture. 

With these new additions to the CrowdStrike ecosystem, you can more easily integrate tools across your stack to remove operational friction and improve your security team’s visibility across distributed environments.

Build Your Modern Security Stack with the CrowdStrike Store

To effectively address evolving adversaries tactics, limited resources and a lack of visibility caused by siloed technology, organizations must empower their teams with the best unified tools to accelerate efficiency and efficacy at scale. To help you find the right tools that enable your business to more quickly realize value, the CrowdStrike Store provides easy access to a best-of-breed ecosystem of CrowdStrike products and partner integrations that minimize implementation complexity and empower the unification of IT and security stacks. By pairing CrowdStrike’s unified platform with partner solutions, you can eliminate blind spots and ensure that your organization has true end-to-end coverage of the entire threat landscape to stop breaches.

Learn more about how you can select the best tools to unify your stack and address your unique use cases by joining the CrowdStrike Store team’s CrowdCast on July 27. You’ll get key tips for choosing the right IT and security solutions to empower and secure your entire organization, and an inside look at new additions to the CrowdStrike ecosystem.

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