Get Used to Hearing About Cybersecurity Concerns

This blog was originally published June 3, 2021 on Humio is a CrowdStrike Company.

Federal government requests more budget for cybersecurity in wake of continued cyber attacks

Just a few weeks ago, President Biden and the White House put out an


executive order


on improving cybersecurity resilience after the country’s public and private sectors continue to be plagued by cyber attacks. Not long after this, Microsoft confirmed that the culprits behind the recent


SolarWinds hack


are at it again, striking more than 150 government agencies and organizations across the globe. In tandem with these ongoing cybersecurity breaches, the White House is requesting the allocation of even more budget toward cybersecurity concerns, bringing the total ask in the 2022 budget to




This proposed added cybersecurity budget can be helpful in aiding the government’s focus on protecting against cyber attacks. This includes improving data logging practices, a point highlighted in the executive order. But what about private organizations who can’t ask for a huge budget boost for cybersecurity?

A Simple Solution for a Complex Issue

The continued growth of worries of cybersecurity doesn’t have to mean a growing budget for cybersecurity. As far as log management’s role in defending enterprises, that shouldn’t be an issue, because Humio offers industry-leading log management performance at the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO). Humio’s log management platform decreases costs because it has low fixed-rate license fees and requires less hardware and less staff dedicated to maintenance compared with less-modern solutions.
  • Lower hardware costs:By decreasing file sizes through advanced compression, Humio decreases the load on the CPUs, meaning organizations can operate at the same capacity with much less equipment to buy, upgrade, and maintain.
  • Lower staff costs:Humio costs less than other solutions because it doesn’t require staff on hand to manage the stack.
  • Lower license fees:


    Humio has flat-rate fees that are significantly less than other log solutions.

How Does Humio Achieve This?

With Humio you can ingest, aggregate, and analyze massive volumes of streaming log data, from a wide array of sources, at scale. The solution supports a variety of cybersecurity use cases including alerting, forensics, incident response and remediation, impact assessment, and threat hunting. Humio provides live observability with sub-second latency, index-free search for unmatched speed, and advanced data compression for superior economics. The solution also provides configurable, shared dashboards that make it easy for security teams to visualize data, carry out investigations, and collaborate.

See For Yourself

Humio’s Total Cost of Ownership Estimator


allows you to see what costs would look like for your organization to use our platform compared with alternative solutions.

Modern Log Management, Advanced Cybersecurity

Companies need a log management partner that has the ability to cost effectively scale with them and still provide access to this log data in an efficient manner. By leveraging an index-free architecture, advanced compression, and flexible storage options, Humio delivers speed and scalability at a fraction of the price of other log management that scales to meet future data volume demands. And just as importantly, our platform can help you comply with growing cybersecurity demands too.

Additional Resources

  • Access a


    free toolkit


    on maximizing resilience through modern log management in a global crisis.
  • Listen to our recent


    The Hoot Podcast, where Security Engineer Miguel Adams explains how his federal agency uses Humio to identify and mitigate malicious activity.
  • Download our


    How-to Guide


    to learn how to use log management as the foundation for your security stack.