The State of Kernel Exploitation
The typical write-what-where kernel-mode exploit technique usually relies on either modifying some key kernel-mode data structure, which iseasy to do locally on Windows thanks to poor Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization (KASLR), or on redirecting execution to a controlled user-mode address, which will now run with Ring 0 rights. Relying on a user-mode address is an easy way not to worry about the kernel address space, and to have full control of the code within a process. Editing the tagWND structure or the HAL Dispatch Table are two very common vectors, as are many others. However, with Supervisor Mode Execution Prevention (SMEP), also called Intel OS Guard, this technique is no longer reliable — a direct user-mode address cannot be used, and other techniques must be employed instead. One possibility is to disable SMEP Enforcement in the CR4 register through Return-Oriented Programming, or ROP,
if stack control is possible. This has been covered in a few papers and presentations. Another related possibility is to disable SMEP Enforcement on a per-page basis — taking a user-mode page and marking it as a kernel page by making the required changes in the page level translation mapping entries. This has also been talked in at least one presentation, and, if accepted, a future SyScan 2015 talk from a friend of mine will also cover this technique. Additionally, if accepted, an alternate version of the technique will
be presented at INFILTRATE 2015, by yours truly. Finally, a theoretical possibility is being able to transfer execution (through a pointer, callback table, etc) to an existing function that disables SMEP (and thus bypassing KASLR), but then somehow continues to give the attacker control without ROP — nobody has yet found such a function. This would be a type of Jump-Oriented Programming
attack. Nonetheless, all of these techniques continue to leverage a user-mode address as the main payload (nothing wrong with that). However, one must also consider the possibility to use a kernel-mode address for the attack, which means that no ROP and/or PTE hacking is needed to
disable SMEP in the first place. Obviously, this means that the function to perform the malicious payload’s work already exists in the kernel, or we have a way of bringing it into the kernel. In the case of a stack/pool overflow, this payload probably already comes with the attack, and the usual tricks have been employed there in order to get code execution. Such attacks are particularly common in true ‘remote-remote’ attacks. But what of write-what-where bugs, usually the domain of the local (or remote-local) attacker? If we have user-mode code execution available to us, to execute the write-what-where, we can obviously continue using the write-what-where exploit to repeatedly fill an address of our choice with the payload data. This presents a few problems however:
- The write-what-where may be unreliable, or corrupt adjacent data. This makes it hard to use it to ‘fill’ memory with code.
- It may not be obvious where to write the code — having to deal with KASLR as well as Kernel NX. On Windows, this is not terribly hard, but it should be recognized as a barrier nonetheless.
spraying technique which results in executable memory, followed by a generic kernel-mode heap
address discovery technique, bypassing KASLR.
Big Pool
Experts of the Windows heapmanager (called the pool) know that there are two different allocators (three, if you’re being pedantic): the regular pool allocator (which can use lookaside lists that work slightly differently than regular pool allocations), and the big/large page pool allocator. The regular pool is used for any allocations that fit within a page, so either 4080 bytes on x86 (8 bytes for the pool header, and 8 bytes used for the initial free block), or 4064 bytes on x64 (16 bytes for the pool header, 16 bytes used for the initial free block). The tracking, mapping, and accounting of such allocations is handled as part of the regular slush of kernel-mode memory that the pool manager owns, and the pool headers link everything together. Big pool allocations, on the other hand, take up one or more pages. They’re used for anything over the sizes above, as well as when the
CacheAligned type of pool memory is used, regardless of the requested allocation size — there’s no way to easily guarantee cache alignment without dedicating a whole page to an allocation. Because there’s no room for a header, these pages are tracked in a separate “Big
Pool Tracking Table” (nt!PoolBigPageTable), and the pool tags, which are used to identify the owner of an allocation, are also not present in the header (since there isn’t one!), but rather in the table as well. Each entry in this table is represented by a
POOL_TRACKER_BIG_PAGES structure, documented in the public symbols:
1 2 3 4 5 |
lkd> dt nt!_POOL_TRACKER_BIG_PAGES +0x000 Va : Ptr32 Void +0x004 Key : Uint4B +0x008 PoolType : Uint4B +0x00c NumberOfBytes : Uint4B |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
r? @$t0 = (nt!_POOL_TRACKER_BIG_PAGES*)@@(poi(nt!PoolBigPageTable)) r? @$t1 = *(int*)@@(nt!PoolBigPageTableSize) / sizeof(nt!_POOL_TRACKER_BIG_PAGES) .for (r @$t2 = 0; @$t2 < @$t1; r? @$t2 = @$t2 + 1) { r? @$t3 = @$t0<@$t2>; .if (@@(@$t3.Va != 1)) { .printf "VA: 0x%p Size: 0x%lx Tag: %c%c%c%c Freed: %d Paged: %d CacheAligned: %d\n", @@((int)@$t3.Va & ~1), @@(@$t3.NumberOfBytes), @@(@$t3.Key >> 0 & 0xFF), @@(@$t3.Key >> 8 & 0xFF), @@(@$t3.Key >> 16 & 0xFF), @@(@$t3.Key >> 24 & 0xFF), @@((int)@$t3.Va & 1), @@(@$t3.PoolType & 1), @@(@$t3.PoolType & 4) == 4 } } |
has an information class specifically designed for dumping big pool allocations. Including not only their size, their tag, and their type (paged or nonpaged), but also their kernel virtual address! As previously presented, this API requires no privileges, and only in Windows 8.1 has it been locked down against low integrity callers (Metro/Sandboxed applications). With the little snippet of code below, you can easily enumerate all big pool allocations:
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// // Note: This is poor programming (hardcoding 4MB). // The correct way would be to issue the system call // twice, and use the resultLength of the first call // to dynamically size the buffer to the correct size // bigPoolInfo = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, 4 * 1024 * 1024); if (bigPoolInfo == NULL) goto Cleanup; |
Pool Control
Obviously, it’s quite useful to have all these handy kernel-mode addresses. But what can we do to control their data, and not only be able to read their address? You may be aware of previous techniques where a user-mode attacker allocates a kernel-object (say, an APC Reserve Object), which has a few fields that are user-controlled, and which then has an API to get its kernel-mode address. We’re essentially going to do the same here, but rely on more than just a few fields. Our goal, therefore, is to find a user-mode API that can give us full control over the kernel-mode data of a kernel object, and additionally, to result in a big pool allocation. This isn’t as hard as it sounds: anytime a kernel-mode component allocates over the limits above, a big pool allocation is done instead. Therefore, the exercise reduces itself to finding a user-mode API that can result in a kernel allocation of over 4KB, whose data is controlled. And since Windows XP SP2 and later enforce kernel-mode non-executable memory, the allocation should be executable as well. Two easy examples may popup in your head:- Creating a local socket, listening to it, connecting from another thread, accepting the connection, and then issuing a write of > 4KB of socket data, but not reading it. This will result in the Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock (AFD.SYS), also affectionally known as “Another F*cking Driver”, allocating the socket data in kernel-mode memory. Because the Windows network stack functions at
- Creating a named pipe, and issuing a write of > 4KB of data, but not reading it. This will result in the Named Pipe File System (NPFS.SYS) allocating the pipe data in a nonpaged pool buffer as well (because NPFS performs buffer management at DISPATCH_LEVEL as well).
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UCHAR payLoad; |
commands in WinDBG). We can then change
the earlier KASLR-defeating snippet to hard-code the pool tag and expected allocation size, and we can instantly find the kernel-mode address of our buffer, which will fully match our user-mode buffer. Keep in mind that the “Paged vs. Nonpaged” flag is OR’ed into the virtual address (this is different from the structure in the kernel, which tracks free vs. allocated), so we’ll mask that out, and also make sure you align the size to the pool header alignment (it’s enforced even for big pool allocations). Here’s that snippet, for x86 Windows:
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// // Based on pooltag.txt, we're looking for the following: // NpFr - npfs.sys - DATA_ENTRY records (r/w buffers) // for (entry = bigPoolInfo->AllocatedInfo; entry < (PSYSTEM_BIGPOOL_ENTRY)bigPoolInfo + bigPoolInfo->Count; entry++) { if ((entry->NonPaged == 1) && (entry->TagUlong == 'rFpN') && (entry->SizeInBytes == ALIGN_UP(PAGE_SIZE + 44, ULONGLONG))) { printf("Kernel payload @ 0x%p\n", (ULONG_PTR)entry->VirtualAddress & ~1 + PAGE_SIZE); break; } } |
another payload allocation and its corresponding physical address (note that the 0x1000 difference
is since the command-line PoC biases the pointer, as you saw in the code).
Next Steps
Now, for full disclosure, there are a few additional caveats that make this technique a bit less sexy in 2015 — and why I chose to talk about it today, and not 8 years ago when I first stumbled upon it: 1) Starting withWindows 8, nonpaged pool allocations are now non-executable. This means that while this trick still lets you spray the pool, your code will require some sort of NX bypass first. So you’ve gone from bypassing SMEP to bypassing kernel-mode NX. 2) In Windows 8.1, the API to get the big pool entries and their addresses
is no longer usable by low-integrity callers. This significantly reduces the usefulness in local-remote attacks, since those are usually launched through sandboxed applications (Flash, IE, Chrome, etc) and/or Metro containers. Of course, there are some ways around this — a sandbox escape is often used in local-remote attacks anyway, so #2 can become moot. As for #1, some astute researchers have already figured out that NX was not fully deployed — for example, Session Pool allocations, are STILL executable
on newer versions of Windows, but only on x86 (32-bit). I leave it as an exercise to readers to figure out how this technique can be extended to leverage that (hint: there’s a ‘Big Session Pool’). But what about a modern, 64-bit version of Windows, say even Windows 10? Well, this technique appears to be mostly dead on such systems — or does it? Is everything truly NX in the kernel, or are there still some sneaky ways to get some executable memory, and to get its address? I’ll be sure to blog about it once Windows 14 is out the door in 2022.